Wednesday, January 9, 2008


So I don't know that the camera work on this is great, and I took like 30 shots. My battery started to run out. I do think though that everything in this picture is a little part of who I am. I guess that was the assignment. :)


Jacob said...
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Jacob said...

When I look at your photo, I picture a grown-up woman who loves her family, God, fiance (?), and friends. Also, I see you being a kid at heart. I'm assuming you're engaged because of the ring...I can definitely picture this as the kid at heart about to go into the new world with a new person away from her family.

I like the picture's angle. One suggestion, in my opinion, would be to include the rest of the picture of your fiance (again, assuming you're engaged).

(Sorry about deleting the other one. I saw a typo and didn't know it would say I had posted a previous comment.)